Sunday, December 13, 2009

Where does it go?

Mine is not the first generation to notice that time speeds up as you grow older...
It is hard to believe that my last post was pretty much done during hurricane season, but here I sit, having just been to the fire department Christmas party and my big charity event for the year. Mid-December, where did the time go?
Oh, big place it went in the last few months is (I am ashamed to admit) is Facebook! Well, it is wonderful seeing faces and names that I have not pulled to my frontal lobe in decades...but as the lists grew with faces and old memories, my spark diminished. I found myself reading things I did not care about, answering stupid questions and surveys and owning 2 farms, an apartment along with a diner. The timers clicked and I burnt cookies and killed crops, my request lists grew and I was not a good friend or neighbor! I think I may be in a lawsuit over the yoville apartment due to not baking enough! Man, I was a goner for about 3 months. I literally had to do an intervention and limit my time on the computer!
I still enjoy checking in and seeing photo's and clever comments from my friends and family, but I have been able to "step away" from the Facebook and use it as a tool for my life, and learned not to make it my life!
So, as fast as the world spins, as much work as we have to do in order to eat and keep a roof over is best to pay attention before you get sucked into a world that overwhelms and encircles you. Don't let life pass you by with your face glued to a computer or a tv...your real life is sitting right beside you just waiting for you to take it out for a spin!

To tie it all up, just understand that if time sped up for the generations before us, what is going to happen to our concepts of time passing when there are so many strong means of distraction! Look at those loved ones around you everyday, make an effort to talk and hug and make sure your time is not being sucked up my meaningless, trival undertakings.

Okay, stepping away now...have a great day!

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