Monday, January 3, 2011

Oh, really...

Not all of us are able maintain a peaceful pose, even when we are aware that our angst is not going to lead us to the right place...
We strive for upright and dead-on!
We want to be straight and strong like there is a steel cable implanted that sprouts right out of the top of our heads (a meager string won't cut it in the real world) aligning our spines in order to help achieve balance and maintain control.  We cannot allow ourselves to misstep or stumble!
With this control in place we can close our eyes, breathe and find bliss.  That is what we need, right?  Control...

Like the statue above, I am not able to maintain that alignment...  I question, I struggle,  yet I know that these are the very things allow me to grow and learn (yes, even the hard way) so that I can make it further along the path to wherever it is life that supposed to take me.
We get what we need, when we need it, really~
We need to take the tough breaks, tears, lessons, joy and love and move them along with us as we travel.  Everything that we experience in our lives only helps to make us more complete or at the very least, more ready to handle the next trial that comes along.
We are only in control of how we process things, how we manage, accept and proceed...other than that, control of life is an illusion.

So, go ahead... flex, bend and even break down a bit, if that is what you need to get you through!  The lessons that come to you will be what you need even if you are not in the right place to see it at the moment.  When you use that open and flexible mind and spirit to (later) look back at where you have been, you will say it too!  "Oh, really... now I get it!"

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