Thursday, October 28, 2010


What do you allow to bubble up from deep inside that seeps out through the cracks?
Where do you look when things are troubling?
What do you do when someone else needs your help?
Can you feel the colors inside of your life?
Would you stand up for your fellow man, or those who are less fortunate?
Can you stand up for yourself?
Have you been wounded? Have you been loved?
Do you know who you are? I mean who you REALLY are...
If you close your eyes, where do you go?
In the end, will others know who you really were or will they only know the facade?
More important than all of that, are you taking note of who you are now; of how your actions may speak more loudly than your soul?
Are you working to change those weak, elemental traits that you may not be so proud of?
Can you love freely?
Can you give without thought of yourself?
Are you accepting?
Can you state your beliefs proudly, without excuse?
Are you strong enough to look inside...

What do you see when you look inside?

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