Sunday, October 17, 2010

My DAD...

I have, in my relatively short life, suffered close personal loss on a few occasions. The type of loss that reels your spirit and knocks you to your knees... At the moment I feel as flimsy as an old bed sheet, just thin and fine, worn from years of use. I think you just may be able to see right through me.

As time go by the losses mount and before you know, it seems that you have as many connections to this world as you do the next. The bridge that spans across death and what will be our "end" here on earth, becomes more real, more concrete. It also becomes brilliantly clear that we will all march across that grate, unguarded, alone with our spiritual beliefs...with not one substantial clue as to what is really on the other side.

The comfort for some of us, lies not only in our religious foundations and beliefs, but in the comfort that if possible, there are people, angels, spirits whom we are intimately familiar with on that horizon of the next plane. I am beginning to use that image to comfort the unsettling thought of leaving this earth.

In all of the changes of my life, I have never been affected so much, as I have with the recent loss of my Father. He was ill, but doing fine for the moment. I was concocting holiday plans and had thought we all had more time with him; in an instant he was gone! I knew it the second that I saw him, he was just "switched off" by God. He never knew, he never suffered, he just left.

Such a gift and blessing to the big, strong man who was facing a serious decline as he fought his toughest battle with cancer. Not one to ask for help, his greatest fear was not being able to care for himself, if the disease was going to emerge champion over the physical being of this life.

I am overwhelmed by just how much I miss him...I am sending you love and prayers, Daddy! Meet me just on the other side of that bridge, when it's time!

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