Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Life has been hectic, but good!
Trips out of town, new grandchildren, camping with friends...  All of those things squeezed in alongside a heavy work schedule, my new health regime and trying to get my house in order has not left me a great deal of time for the things that make me, ME!

I am proud and happy except for the things undone, like my poor, pathetic yard.  Grass rag-tag and tattered with sticks and wild weeds.  I really call them wild flowers, but who am I kidding?  I tell myself, everyday as I climb into my car, "the insects love you, look at all of the blooms"!  They are buzzing with activity and I feel like I have allowed nature to be itself, showing it's finest before the dead of winter!  My mess is part of the universe in it's most pure form.  (I am really good at convincing myself that my slack can somehow equal good on some astral or karmic level).

Yesterday, as I was bending for the morning A.I.S (ass in seat) departure, I looked over and saw it!  One of my favorites...and they do so truly touch my heart.  I do not know if it is the color, which I love, the frailty or strength that they represent to me, or if it is just the light that shines from within them as they greet a new morning.
I dearly love my morning glories!

I jerked to a stop and halted my hasty, forward movements in order to do the most important thing... I snapped a few quick pictures as a farewell to the flowers.  I smiled and knew that next year they would be back to greet me along with a new summer sky...  

And for just a moment, I knew that it was time to stop and notice the last morning glory!

“A morning glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books.”
― Walt Whitman

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