Monday, November 15, 2010

One on Muzz...

Today is My Grandmother's 97th this is a re-post is in her honor.
We took her out for oysters and she has been munching on her cake, she got a new purse and a gemstone ring, also phone calls and some cards from friends and family! She had a great day! Happy Birthday, Muzz!

Just a note of tribute and blast from our past...there is only one Muzz!
She is still going strong and has put up with a lot of things in her life. She is funny and still wants to be 20, but her body just won't let her. She cares about her family and wants to wear stylish clothes. She saves coins for the kids and loves to read her paper everyday! She loves to eat, no matter what I fix, she loves it, and my Mom cannot take her out to eat enough times in one week. She has a "boyfriend" waiter at the local Mexican place, he takes her arm and escorts her to her table.

She loves routine and hates being late, she also hates those the little weeds that grow near her car door. She is a bird watcher and wants a bose wave radio...
Napping is a "no-no" even at 95 and she hates politics. Men in their 60's who hold a door and smile are "old coots" and she must have her hair is done once a week!

She hates her hearing aid and is looking for a cane...but she is not stopping. I think she really wishes she could deal with a computer!
This women made my clothes, played battle with me until she must have been exhausted, she let me set the table and clapped when I did my dance routines to Lawerence Welk.

She worked for a record company and was a fabulous cook...
She misses her Fuzzy and all of those who have gone before her. She has seen a whole lot of things change in her lifetime. She has problems understanding why the world has changed so much and still expects customer service and merchants to know her name.
She loves little Andrew (her great, great grandson) and still misses her Daddy and Mother.
Thanks, Muzz for all that you have given us, we are glad you are here!

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