Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"You speak yourself into existence by your actions and integrity, and if you are not careful you can speak yourself right out"! ~ Original quote by Julie Oertel Watson

Created by the experiences of listening to "blah, blah, blah"...that means so much nothing, as compared to the power of speaking up, stepping up and producing!

Do what you say and say what you mean! 
Be honest and work towards the best possible outcome.  Maybe... once in a while that means you do not put yourself first, but rather work within a team "mindset" to do the right thing for all concerned. 

I believe that many of the people on this planet, hardworking like you and I, do try to do the right things for the right reasons.  It seems that the people "in charge" are the one's who for the most part seem to have lost sight of some honesty, integrity and hard work for others.   

I wonder if things will ever flip so that the world might be run by people who care about more than themselves or money?

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