Saturday, May 7, 2011

I will miss you!

Goodness, I want to write today.  My goal was writing something every day for a year, just so that I can push myself a bit more.  I am a little over a week in and today is a challenge... I did not want to cheat, re-post or just pull an old draft, so today you just get the real me.

National Train Day, Lemonade Day, Concerts, Jazz Fest, Mother's Day and a marathon birthday party for my close friend's little girl.
I barely sipped my coffee and I am showered and dressing.  I stopped in front of my lovely fan, to cool off a bit and battle out the wardrobe in my head.  I had turned on the laptop earlier and it seems as though the screen was just too bright!  Like it was somehow trying to blind my eyes with the guilt of not writing today.  So, at risk of having to run out of the house half done, I am writing.
I read a very cute, disgruntled blog about some yellow peep toe heels from a fellow blogger and now I am just here, when I should be sprinting to get ready.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful day, I hope that you enjoy some sunshine, friends, music, nature or just a moment to yourself to tap these keys and share with us!

The phone just rang, the timer is ticking, gotta go.  Anyone seen my other shoe?

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