Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gilded Glory

Far reaching tentacles incipient and slimy, swiping a clear path where their terror will prevail...
No matter the expanse of territory, their eyes constantly gleam from inhaling the scent of their own putrid power.

No right or wrong matters as they crush a life if someone dares to hold them accountable, for they are better than the rest who walk this earth.

Liars and cheats, greed pours from inside the small blackened hearts, as they pave their paths with gold.

No scruples, no conscious, all that lies within the myopic range of vision are the wealth and glory so cherished by men.

The world seems lost and crumbles under the hands of those who think only of themselves.
They who sleep so soundly on rich, silken sheets while thrones of gold or stacks of filthy coin stand nearby.
They lower cool blinders over wicked eyes so that they never have to see the pain of the world.
Not responsible, they turn away from the cries of our children and the elderly.

They poison our food and the very air we breathe to build towers that lift them high over the rubble, no despair reaches the hem on the gown of privilege.

They look for more and plan pleasure for themselves...
What will happen to this world, as they never look for the real tomorrow?
They only stare in the gilded mirror and see glory in the form and reflection of themselves.

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