Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Saturday Gift to You

Unexpected coolness sneaks inside my home as I open the door.  The morning light, so soft and accepting, is heralding the new day and it has come to my fall upon my doorstep. 

Steam curls and rises delicately above my hot coffee as it sloshes around inside the delicate yellow and red flowered cup.  I step out to welcome that lovely, morning light and 
I am happy to take in a breath and know that this feeling of warmth and slowness can remain just a little while longer. 

For you see, I am learning to take my time!

There is always so much to do it has become a quest of mine to make more "quiet" time for myself.

I found that even when I was not "physically" busy, I seem to be wrestling activities in my mind.  At any second there could be a brawl in my brain about what I should be doing...outward stillness does not always equate to peace or quiet for me.  Static reigns supreme, overwhelms and often overtakes my physical stasis..

It is not hard to allow yourself to slip and fall only to become hostage to chores and tasks of all the work that reaches out for you with strong, sinewy arms.  And as if that is not enough, you can beat yourself up inside your with voices cajoling about what you should be doing, what you will be doing, or even what you are not going to do!
True, we are somewhat defined by what we do and our life's work;  it actually creates a healthy framework and very important stabilizer for our existence.  I,  however have come to joyously appreciate that I can find  a part of my true self in the quiet moments of my life.

There is no sound of the washer running or the lawn mower sputtering and my bed is yet unmade, this day. 
There is no thought of a path or plan for my day,  for this moment is where I am living! 
Windows open, birds singing, set with a second cup of coffee by my side.  Today is shaping up to be an awesome part of me and I am relaxed and happy in it...

So, I send to you this lovely Saturday morning, a sip of my warm, dark coffee, a kiss from the dew followed by a sweet caress from the breeze that gently billows my curtains.

Take a pause somewhere in your day, slow down and inhale the unencumbered breath to remember yourself and who you are that exact moment ~

Have a wonderful day!

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