Sunday, May 29, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday...

Nappa Sunday's are the most beautiful Sunday's on the planet, I long to go back!

Working a 12 hour night shift, can be rough on an olde' girl like me!

I never had a sister and she was more like me than I was myself, she even puts ice cubes in her milk!

The lovely sound of thunder, soon gave way to the sound of pelting hail...  We only needed gentle rain, not the fury of tornado's!

Soft pink blankets, tiny pink tee shirts with lady bugs sewn on... pink fuzzy wash cloths and a pink seahorse, that is what Grandma buys at the first news of a baby girl!

What a week!  And while you all are enjoying your Sunday's I will be snoozing, hungover from working 12 hours last night!  I am glad Monday is a holiday...don't forget our soldiers in your prayers, wave your flags!

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